Beautiful Knitting

Where Mt.Mom knits, crochets, designs, and seeks Beauty as food for the soul.

About the Author

Mountain Mom is also known as Deborah Swift:  devoted knitter, designer, Christian, bagpipe fan, mother of 3, and wife to a math professor in Flagstaff, Arizona (although not necessarily in that order).

I learned to knit from a neighbor-friend in 1999, and have been a voracious yarn-practitioner ever since.  Crochet followed in 2002.  I have been designing my own projects from earliest days, but only began writing them down in 2007.  In 2006, I enrolled in TKGA’a Master Hand Knitter program, passing Level 1 in August of that year, Level 2 in May 2009, and am currently enrolled in Level 3.

2 Responses to “About the Author”

  1. bibomedia said


  2. Nina-Marie said


    My name is Nina-Marie and I´m a student from Sweden. I´m reading the second year of the programme for Craft & Design teacher education.
    I just found your blog, searching for knitting+Flagstaff. On saturday me and my friend Marie are coming to Flagstaff to visit different universities and schools to see how you work with “sloyd”- craft and design.

    We are stying in Flgstaff for 10 days and we hope to see much as possible. If you have any ideas about things to see or do we will be very thankfull. We are both interested in knitting and crocheting(?), and also woodwork of different kinds.

    Nina-Marie Jansson, Gothemburg, Sweden